Advice Centre

Wellbeing & Diet
There are three basic ingredients for good health: Food, Attitude and Function (FAF). There are no more or less ingredients... just these three.
Peter Welsh offers advice associated with these fundamental pillars of health and wellbeing .
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What to Eat - Dos & Don'ts
With so many column inches dedicated to the dos and don'ts of what we can and can't eat, it can be very confusing indeed.
Peter Welsh offers advice associated with the major food groups simplifying what has become a very hot topic in recent years .
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Peter Welsh and the team aim to provide the highest quality of support and after care for all patients. Our objectives are to bring you back to health and to sustain your well being for the foreseeable future. We realise that issues relating to health are wide ranging and often advice is confusing and contradictory.
With this in mind why not head over to our Facebook page to ask a question. Simply post your enquiry on our page or DM us and we will endeavor to reply as soon as possible.
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Five ways to enhance your life
Peter is often asked, "how can I improve my life ?" - some people enquire about household products, food and drink, exercise, timetables, sleep time, beds, dental appliances plus much more. So here are a few good tips to start.
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10 Procedures you may want to think twice about during pregnancy
One of the biggest origins of back pain for any woman is pregnancy. Not only during, but often many, many years later, women will suffer from many spinal or joint conditions which some will never associate to their pregnancy... but it so often is.
To those pregnant patients Peter sees, he has one major rule:
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Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy
1 in 5 pregnant women suffer from what is commonly known as ‘Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction’. For many pregnant ladies, their journey starts with an anxious trip to the A&E department fearing the worst. Peter Welsh and his team specialise in a range of treatments to reestablish the correct position and function of the pelvis - bringing the joy back into the journey.
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Dairy for human consumption
It's one of the top supermarket sellers, always in the fridge and often marketed as one of the primary sources of nutrition. The latest addition to the Welsh Clinic Website Advice Centre explores a bovine angle not commonly shared and asks "is it time to move away from the white stuff?".